
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Regression; Streben, künstlerisches

Kurzinhalt: Regression als Folge der Unterdrückung künstlerischen Schaffens; am Beispiel von: Cézanne; Liszt; Turner; Michelangelo

Textausschnitt: () Others may show symptoms of regression, return for solace to the inner world of fantasy, preserving the integrity of the personality by breaking connections with the outer world. They drop mature patterns of creative enterprise in favor of outgrown and easier ones ...

() Friends and ordinary events cannot release their emotions, and in fact they seem to have none.

() The world of reality with its normalizing contacts, and its consistent balance ceases to exist. And when introversion reaches such a dominant stage, adjustment to that exacting world becomes difficult if not impossible - and again pathology results. Regression cuts off creation low down on the stem, so that future flowering is inhibited.


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