
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Represssion; Streben, künstlerisches
The dectructive effect of repression

Kurzinhalt: Repression als Folge der Unterdrückung künstlerischen Schaffens; am Beispiel französischer Maler: Delacroix; Courbet; Manet

Textausschnitt: () There seems little question that prolonged, enforced repression of the creative desire may lead to actual breakdown of the personality. A number of the best known French, modernist painters will serve to illustrate the point.

() The stifling of creative interests is no incidental matter; it cuts at the very roots of satisfaction in living. If the burden is not too great, such men escape the fate of neurosis, or breakdown, through the expressive medium of their genius. Otherwise pathology is too often the price paid, and disintegration the result.


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