
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Lonergan, Fragmente, Entwicklung

Kurzinhalt: Lonergan d. frühen Fragmente; Ablehnung der spiritual "apprehension"; Mangel: distinctio realis (Substanz - Akzidenz); räumliche Kategorien

Textausschnitt: () His basic point in these notes is the absolutely unique character of the act of understanding and the radical identity of intellect and reality. It is obvious that he is on to something; and he knows he is. On the other hand, these notes are ambiguous about the sharp distinction he will later make between understanding and judgment.
This underlying lack of clarity about the ultimate criterion of reality is also revealed in Lonergan's denial of the scholastic 'real distinction' between substance and accident, as well as his down-playing, if not denying, the real distinction between essence and existence. This latter issue will be at the core of his intellectual conversion.
... that between a materialism and a critical realism 'the halfway house is idealism.' He is on the way to a critical realism.


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