
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Augustin, Cassiciacum, Manichäer, Meinung

Kurzinhalt: Manichäer, Lehre, Dualismus, Bilder-Denken, körperhaftes Denken, Augustin - Welt d. Meinung (Newman, Lonergan),

Textausschnitt: () Augustine rejected the religion of the Manichees in 383 when he realized the unintelligible nature of these myths and was very unimpressed with the philosophic understanding of the Manichee leaders.
According to the Confessions, the chief intellectual obstacle in Augustine's journey to Christianity ... was his need to imaginatively 'picture' things which cannot strictly speaking be pictured, whether those things be God or even his own conscious self.
Slowly Augustine began to believe in the reality of the unseen (what Lonergan later spoke of as the world 'mediated by meaning' ... ... Most strongly of all it struck me how firmly and unshakeably I believed that I was born of a particular father and mother, which I could not possibly know unless I believed it on the word of others


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