
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Lonergan, Nominalismus, Newman, Abstraktion, Scholastik

Kurzinhalt: William of Ockham, Hobbes, Hume, Mill, Przywara ; Allgemeines - Einzelnen: Konzeptualismus, Realismus, Nominalismus; Abstraktion d. Scholastik

Textausschnitt: () Ockham's thesis was that, since only individual things really exist, universal concepts are only names (flatus vocis) used to speak of individual things. Traditionally opposed to nominalism were various types of scholastic 'realism' which vindicated the realistic character of universal concepts, and indeed, tended to build a whole philosophy around the importance of such concepts.
there are three main philosophical schools in relation to 'the controversy on universals.' He asks, what is this 'human nature' which is one and yet stands in the same relation to every member of the class - which though it is one, belongs at the same time to many members?
... a 'Moderate Realism' which maintains that the mind abstracts from things concepts of their natures and it is those natures which are truly found in all the individuals of a class. Opposed to such moderate realism is the 'Exaggerated Realism' of a Plato ...


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