
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Verdrängung; schöpferisches Streben

Kurzinhalt: Folgen eines verdrängten kreativen Strebens: Melancholie, Ermüdung, körperliche Symptome

Textausschnitt: () Such artistic sacrifice [eg: m Beispiel von Berlioz], and the death of so pressing an idea not only ties down inspiration, it leaves the personality hobbled, unable later to vault the fences to creative freedom. Few can stand the strain and counterstrain which such a life entails.

() His interest turns to some goal easier of attainment. He tries to forget his ambitions, to cut them off from awareness. But these dynamic groups of ideas, - forming a repressed 'creative complex,' - still control his perceptions, determine his moods. The hidden enterprise bobs up in hydra-headed forms producing sometimes melancholy, anxiety, fatigue, sometimes inflation of the ego ...

() In extreme cases even a 'conversion' of the affect - emotion - of the repressed system into bodily symptoms may take place. Mild hysterical or neurasthenic symptoms are common. These play up and down the whole gamut of symptomatology from possible disturbance of action, perception, and memory to the most serious functional disorders.


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