
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Einführung, Insight, Wojtyla, Rogers, Empirismus, Materialismus, Konversion

Kurzinhalt: Insight, invariantes Muster, Lonergan - Gefühl, Langer, Empirismus - Lonergan, Rest-Materialismus, Newman, intellektuelle Konversion; Welt: Unmittelbarkeit, Bedeutung, distinctio, Sein - Wesen

Textausschnitt: () ... I began to make something of it, but in the end it opened up a whole new world to me. It showed me a new approach to reality, and made me aware of questions I had only dimly perceived.
Thoroughly understand what it is to understand, and not only will you understand the broad lines of all there is to be understood but also you will possess a fixed base, an invariant pattern, opening upon all further developments of understanding.
And I doubted he could do it. His work appeared so patently intellectual and all my leanings - and the leanings of the culture around me - were 'experiential.' By that term I understood chiefly the in's and out's of human feelings.
It was that residual materialism that was at the basis of much conflict and division in the Church as well as in the world at large.
Fußnote: John Henry Newman, A Grammar of Assent ... In spite of oppositions and conflicts among people on matters philosophical, ethical, and religious, still a serious inquirer 'brings together his reasons and relies on them, because they are his own, and this is his primary evidence; and he has a second ground of evidence, in the testimony of those who agree with him. ...
Intellectual conversion is a radical clarification and, consequently, the elimination of an exceedingly stubborn and misleading myth concerning reality, objectivity, and knowledge. The myth is that knowing is like looking, that objectivity is seeing what is there to be seen and not seeing what is not there, and that the real is out there now to be looked at.
In Insight Lonergan speaks of the 'startling strangeness' one experiences as one makes the breakthrough from the residual materialism of naive realism, to the 'critical realism' of thinking about our minds on their own terms. It is a breakthrough to a whole new world. It is a discovery that one has not yet made 'if one has no clear memory of its startling strangeness.
... that there are two quite different realisms, that there is an incoherent realism half animal and half human, that poses as a halfway house between materialism and idealism, and on the other hand that there is an intelligent and reasonable realism between which and materialism the half-way house is idealism.


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