
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Weisheit, Durchbruch, Griechen, Christen, Aufklärung, Logos, Schwäche, Stärke, Ergänzung

Kurzinhalt: Ungenügen, Stärke, Ergänzung: Griechen, Christen, Aufklärung; Logos, Plato, Sokrates, Weiheit: nur persönlicher Erwerb

Textausschnitt: () One drawback of Greek thought was that it overly stressed the necessary.
Another lack in the Greek breakthrough is an inadequate idea of God.
On the one hand, it was the Logos who came personally in Christianity. As John's Gospel begins ... On the other hand, logos was central to Greek thought, as the very underlying order and rationality of the world. () Socrates () He could well have escaped the executioner, but he challenged his friends to show him that it would be the reasonable thing to do, and they failed. Thus Socrates lived and died the intellectual morality of never affirming without sufficient evidence, and the larger morality of doing nothing unreasonable.
This marriage of Jerusalem and Athens may be seen, in retrospect, as a mating of strength with strength. The Jewish and early Christian weakness in systematic thought is corrected by absorbing the fruits of the Greek breakthrough. On the other hand, the abstractness of Greek thought is anchored by the concreteness of the incarnation, the overemphasis on necessity is tempered by the 'scandal of particularity,' and reason shelters under the canopy of faith. The overly intellectual nature of Aristotle's God is met by the Jewish and Christian God, a strong-willed God of love.
The drawback of Christianity is its tendency to fission.
What is positive about that Enlightenment, then, is ...
Unfortunately, the third Enlightenment did not mesh as smoothly with the second as the second did with the first. In fact, the modern Enlightenment began by appealing to the first against the second. It appealed to Greek and Roman civilization as an arsenal and a standpoint from which to attack Christianity. That is what is most negative about the modern Enlightenment: its hostility to the Christian enlightenment.
A second problem with the Enlightenment is that it overstresses the logical.
A wisdom can only be proposed. It cannot, by its nature, be demonstrated, for wisdom escapes and goes beyond the logical.


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