
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Erste Einsicht, Sein, Sprache, Reden, analog, Gott, Idee, Analogie, metaphorisch

Kurzinhalt: Analoges Sprechen über Sein, Extrapolation, indirekte Erkenntnis des Seins, Aussagen über Gott, weise, gut, liebend, allmächtig, metaphorisches Reden, Erste Ursache, Idee Gottes

Textausschnitt: () Being was understood by an extrapolation from the structure of knowing; it was indirectly defined as the object of the pure desire to know. The Primary Insight was a further extrapolation, indirectly defined as the insight adequate to being. Such indirect speech is usually termed analogical.
Thus an Unlimited Insight is somewhat similar, and somewhat dissimilar, from an ordinary insight. It has something in common, because the ordinary insight is an act of understanding, and the Unlimited Insight is an act of understanding. At the same time, the acts of understanding are quite different, because one is limited, and the other unlimited
So a characteristic may be predicated of the Primary Insight. For example, it may be said that the Primary Insight is wise. For wisdom is a certain perfection of knowing, and the Primary Insight is perfect knowing. Yet wise is not predicated of the Primary Substance as an accident of a substance, for the Primary Substance has no accidents.What is actually being predicated is not an accident wise but a substantial Wisdom. Further, that Wisdom is not other than the Primary Insight itself, for the Primary Insight is simple.
But the one, simple, infinite, eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent spiritual substance which is the knowing and loving cause of all things is what is traditionally known as God.


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