
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Letztbegründung, Selbstwiderspruch, Logik

Kurzinhalt: Ultimate Justification, cognitional process, reflection on knowing, Denkprozess als Prämisse und Conclusio

Textausschnitt: () Cognitional process, it has been maintained, is self-justifying, in that the very exercise of the activities involved makes their simultaneous denial incoherent.
Note that one is using cognitional process to ground the conclusion. But the conclusion to be reached can never be firmer than the process itself used to reach it. Therefore the foundation for cognitional process can never be firmer than cognitional process itself.
A comparison might be made here to logic. It is well known that a conclusion can be no stronger than its premises. Conceive here, then, a super-logic, in which the ultimate premise is not any particular proposition, but cognitional process itself.
To put the point another way, the process of knowing precedes the reflection on knowing. Thus common-sense awareness precedes the natural sciences, and the natural sciences precede the science of cognition. The science of consciousness can give definition and order to the process that precedes it.


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