
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Wissenschaft, innere, äußere, Descartes

Kurzinhalt: Cogito, ergo sum; cogito, ergo cogito; Lonergan - Descartes; Denken -> Existenz; Syllogismus; Ausgang, Anfang des Erkenntnisprozesses

Textausschnitt: () Whatever thinks, exists.
But I think.
Therefore I exist.
... 'Cogito, ergo cogito': 'I think, therefore I think.' That may appear so modest as to be a mere tautology, except that the 'I think' is not the same in both cases. In the first instance it refers to an activity; in the second, to a judgment.
One cannot demonstrate such starting points, for the very attempt to do so will inevitably appeal to those starting points themselves. One does not demonstrate any of the mental activities, then, but discovers them; or perhaps better
The proper method of interior science, then, is not demonstration, but discovery: the experience, the understanding, and the judgment as to what my mental activities in fact are. But once those activities are called to attention, understood, and organized in this more modest way, one has nevertheless an indubitable basis for the further pursuit of the science of consciousness.


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