
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ

Titel: The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ

Stichwort: Person (Elemente d. Definition); Eins, das Eine (transzendental, formal, prädikamental) -> Erfahrung, erste, zweite Tätigkeit des Verstandes

Kurzinhalt: 'Transcendental one' is undivided in itself and divided from everything else; and this 'one' first becomes known in the second operation of the intellect, inasmuch as the object of judgment is necessarily subject to the principles of identity and ...

Textausschnitt: 3 The Meanings of 'One'

12 Transcendental, Formal, predicamental 'One' (eü)

45/1 12 We distinguish three meanings of 'one': 'transcendental one,' 'natural one' (that is, the formal 'one,' or one per se), and 'predicamental one.'

'Predicamental one' is the principle of number, and it first becomes known through experience. For example, seeing my fingers I distinguish the first, the second, the third, and so on. (31; Fs)

'Natural or formal one,' one per se, is what first becomes known in the first operation of the intellect. Thus a pile of stones is said to be one-by-accident, since no intelligible principle of unity is apprehended in it but only spatial juxtaposition. A human being, on the other hand, or an animal is said to be one per se, not only because I perceive a spatial juxtaposition of parts but also because with my mind I grasp a unit that has its own proper intelligibility. (31f; Fs)

'Transcendental one' is undivided in itself and divided from everything else; and this 'one' first becomes known in the second operation of the intellect, inasmuch as the object of judgment is necessarily subject to the principles of identity and contradiction. For whatever is reasonably affirmed or denied is necessarily identical with itself and not confused with anything else. (33; Fs)


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