
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ

Titel: The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ

Stichwort: Person (Elemente d. Definition); Existenz; d. Mensch auf der sinnlichen Ebene (ästhetische Sphäre der existentiellen Subjektivität)

Kurzinhalt: And so it happens that those who do not 'exist' regard being as nothing, while those who do 'exist' judge non-being to be nothing. Such clear, distinct, and mutually contradictory positions, however, would not even be conceived except by those who ...


27/1 8 This being the case, if you wish to be of service to others, it is necessary (1) that you 'exist' yourself, so that it is not a matter of the blind leading the blind, and (2) that you try to effect a conversion in others rather than to prove them wrong. For since the type of person you are determines how you see your aim in life,1 it surely follows not only that the type of person you are in desiring determines how you will see the aim of your desiring but also that the type of person you are in apprehending determines how you will see the aim of your apprehending. (23; Fs)

28/1 To whoever, therefore, is immersed in the world of the senses - or, as they say nowadays, to one living in the aesthetic sphere of existential subjectivity - things will be seen as real only insofar as they are perceptible to the senses; and they will be seen as nothing insofar as they cannot be so perceived. (23; Fs)

29/1 But to the extent that one emerging from the world of the senses is converted to the intelligible world, things will be seen to be real insofar as they are (that is, insofar as they can be known by being understood and affirmed), and things will be seen to be nothing insofar as they are not. (23; Fs)

30/1 And so it happens that those who do not 'exist' regard being as nothing, while those who do 'exist' judge non-being to be nothing. Such clear, distinct, and mutually contradictory positions, however, would not even be conceived except by those who have already begun to 'exist' to some extent, since a problem clearly grasped is a problem half solved. (23; Fs) (notabene)


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