
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Relationen; mehrer (innere reale) R. eines Absoluten 2; reale innere Relationen: kein realer Unterschied zum "Absoluten", dem sie innerlich sind

Kurzinhalt: QUESTION 38/2 -- Can several real relations be internal to one and the same absolute? ... Are they really distinct from the absolute? ... it is clear ... (2) that the reality of what is absolute in a qualified sense cannot be really distinct from ...

Textausschnitt: As to the second question

733c Those are distinct of which one is not the other. (Fs)

Those are conceptually distinct of which one as conceived is not the other as conceived. (Fs)

Those are really distinct of which one as real is not the other as real. (Fs)

733d From what we determined above (question 35), it is clear (1) that the reality of what is simply absolute and the reality of what is simply relative cannot be the same reality, (2) that the reality of what is absolute in a qualified sense cannot be really distinct from every relative reality, (3) that the reality of what is relative in a qualified sense cannot be really distinct from every absolute reality, and (4) that the reality of an internal relation is the reality of a relative in a qualified sense. (Fs)

735a From this it is also clear that real internal relations cannot be really distinct from the absolute to which they are internal. (Fs)


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