
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Relationen: tranzendental - kategorial; Wissenschaft (mittleres Stadium): Wissen deskriptiv und durch Ursachen

Kurzinhalt: First, since transcendental relations suppose a knowledge of causes, they are surely not considered in the initial scientific stage ... Second, since in the final stage a science is so completely developed that the realitities are known with ...

Textausschnitt: 3 Only in the intermediate scientific stage are relations divided into predicamental and transcendental, and even in that state such a division is not very suitable.

725a First, since transcendental relations suppose a knowledge of causes, they are surely not considered in the initial scientific stage, in which the causes are unknown. (Fs)

Second, since in the final stage a science is so completely developed that the realities are known with certitude through the causes, all consideration of the predicaments is now omitted, since the predicaments are not causes. (Fs) (notabene)

Third, in the intermediate stage, wherein the realities are defined partly according to their causes and partly by nominal definitions or by external appearances, there certainly can be a division of relations according to which they are found in a particular predicament or over several predicaments. (Fs)

Fourth, this division is not very suitable even in the intermediate stage. Science is defined as certain knowledge of things through their causes; but the aforesaid division of relations according to the predicaments seems to suppose that a science is a certain knowledge of things not through causes but through the predicaments. (Fs)


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