
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Hauchung (spiration), Wort; Testsammlung: Thomas von Aquin

Kurzinhalt: There are many texts in which Aquinas states that love proceeds from a mental word... '... it belongs to the very essence of love that it does not proceed except from a conception of the intellect.'

Textausschnitt: 19 Spiration

614c There are many texts in which Aquinas states that love proceeds from a mental word. (Fs)
Super I Sententiarum, d. 11, q. 1, a. 1, ad 4m: '... the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Word the way love proceeds from a mental word.'

Super I Sententiarum, d. 27, q. 2, a. 1, sol.:'... since there can be two apprehensions, either of truth by itself or of truth as expanded to take in the good and the fitting - and this latter is a complete apprehension - hence there are two words, namely, of something pleasing that is set forth, a word that spirates love - and this is a complete word - and the word of something also that displeases ... or does not please.' See In III de anima, lect. 4, §§634-35. (Fs)

Summa contra Gentiles, 4, c. 24, ¶12, §3617: 'For love proceeds from a word, inasmuch as we cannot love anything unless we conceive it in a word of the heart.'

Summa contra Gentiles, 4, c.19, ¶8, §3564: 'But that something is in the will as what is loved is in the lover (means that) it has a certain relation to the conception by which intellect conceives it ... for nothing would be loved unless it were in some way known.'

614d De potentia, q. 9, a. 9, ad 3m (2nd ser.): '... for nothing can be loved whose word is not first conceived in the intellect; hence, the one who proceeds by way of the will must be from the one who proceeds by way of the intellect, and consequently is distinguished from that one.' See ibid. q. 10, a. 2 c; ad 2m; ad 7m; a. 4 c. (Fs)

617a De potentia, q. 10, a. 5 c: 'For it cannot be, nor can it be understood, that there is a love for something that has not first been conceived by the intellect; therefore, every love is from some word, when one is speaking of love in an intellectual nature.'
Summa theologiae, 1, q. 27, a. 3, ad 3m: '... it belongs to the very essence of love that it does not proceed except from a conception of the intellect.'

Summa theologiae, 1, q. 36, a. 2 c: 'It is necessary that love proceed from a word; for we do not love anything except inasmuch as we apprehend it in a mental conception. Accordingly, from this too it is clear that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son.'

Compendium theologiae, c. 49: 'Similarly too, what is loved is in the one loving inasmuch as it is actually being loved. The fact that an object is actually loved proceeds from the lover's capacity to love, and also from the lovable good actually understood. Accordingly, the fact that the beloved is in the one loving proceeds from two principles: from the loving principle, and from an apprehended intelligible, which is the word that has been conceived concerning the lovable.'

De rationibus fidei ad Cantorem Antiochenum, c. 4: 'It is clear that we are able to love nothing with an intellectual and holy love that we do not actually conceive by means of the intellect. But the conception of the intellect is the word; hence, it is necessary that love come forth from the word. Now, we say that the Word of God is the Son; it is clear, then, that the Holy Spirit is from the Son.'

617b Here, then, is the clear teaching of St Thomas, from his Commentary on the Sentences to his Compendium of Theology. In agreement with this teaching are Augustine (in the passage referred to in the textbook, p. 112),1 Anselm, Godfrey of Fontaines, John of Naples (see Theological Studies 10 [1949] 379 [Verbum 212]), Cajetan (In Sum. theol. 1, q. 27, a. 3, §§IX-XI; Leonine edition, vol. iv, 312). Scotus in fact, having applied his doctrine of concurrent coordinate causes to the will, stated this conclusion: if the object conceived is related to love only as a necessary condition, then the Word is related to the Holy Spirit only as a necessary condition (Theological Studies 10 [1949] 379 [Verbum 212-13]). (Fs)


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