
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Spiritualität, Zusammenfassung; spirituelle Integration, Definition

Kurzinhalt: common sense; mangelnde Beschäftigung mit Niedergang; transzendente Liebe: Heil; 5 sich steigernde Bereiche; Habitus der Seele

Textausschnitt: () First, we have seen that common sense is not adequate to meet the problems of the world. () It disregards philosophy. So the first step in a spiritual integration is a commitment to an intellectual life, be it in science, in historiography, literary criticism, philosophy, theology, or what have you.
Second, we have seen that even within an intellectual life the empirical sciences and historical scholarship seldom deal adequately with psychological and social problems. In most cases they neither give sound enough analyses nor provide sufficiently effective policies for halting the spiral of decline. The reason for this is that ...
We can now define what 'spiritual integration' is. It is the capacity to move through these realms of meaning intelligently. That is, the kind of authenticity needed today is the kind by which a person has a basic understanding of these different realms of meaning and can move from one to another as the situation demands.


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