
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Der Akt des Verstehens - Wort; Erfassen des Vor-Begrifflich (preconceptual); Thomas - Scotus; Bildund des Wortes ohne Verstehen: Verunmöglichung des analogen Verstehens der Trinität

Kurzinhalt: It remains, therefore, that our intellect grasps not only conceptual objects but preconceptual objects as well. Otherwise we would not form conceptions because we understand, but rather, as the Scotists teach, ...

Textausschnitt: The Act of Understanding1

599a For an inner word or concept to emanate intellectually, it is absolutely necessary that we understand before we form within ourselves a word or concept. We certainly understand something in this prior act, but the object of this act cannot be a word that has not yet been formed. It remains, therefore, that our intellect grasps not only conceptual objects but preconceptual objects as well. Otherwise we would not form conceptions because we understand, but rather, as the Scotists teach, we are able to understand because in some unconscious manner conceptions have been formed.2 (Fs) (notabene)

561a Therefore, we must now explain briefly what St Thomas thought regarding this question. No one can be unaware of the great importance of this question, since the unconscious formation of the word would destroy that intellectual emanation which we have considered to be the psychological analogy of the Holy Trinity. (Fs)


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