
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Spiritualität, Kunst, Ästhetik, Schönheit, Ordnung, Hoffnung

Kurzinhalt: Spiritualität: 6 imensionen; spiritual direction; Kunst: Schritt vom Unbewussten zum Bewussten; Instrumentalmusik - Malerei; Schönheit - Ordnung; Hoffnung (Definition)

Textausschnitt: () I like Lonergan’s approach because rather than assume that 'spiritual' is equivalent to 'religious,’ he has you pay attention to your own consciousness and verify what he proposes about its spiritual dimensions.
Each person has a unique pattern of these routines, but the routines are all 'spiritual', and they reveal an orientation, a path, a direction. This is the essential meaning of 'spiritual direction.'
Turning to aesthetics, then, I see art, sculpture, music, architecture and dance as working between the first and second spiritual routines. They bring some patterns of images and affects of the unconscious to consciousness.
Just as musicians try to make every note beautiful, so the artists try to make every brushstroke beautiful.
Beauty is the appearance of order. We turn to beauty because it represents in image form the harmonies we need in a good life. It stands for what might be. Or it reveals deeper dimensions of what is. Beauty always points beyond itself. Every beautiful thing is a statement that reality has potentials beyond our dreams. We pluck the same guitar strings ten times in a row because each pluck stimulates our hope for more harmony in life.
Hope is desire made confident by faith and gradually fulfilled through charity.


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