
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Akt, Potenz (2 Proportionen: eg: A in A = B in BM; A als Zweck von A = B als Zweck von B); Beispiele: Hören, Ohr, Augen Sehen Sehvermögen; erster, zweiter A., erste, zweite Potenz; zweite Potenz = erster Akt

Kurzinhalt: 'One kind of proportion is that whereby we say that just as this is in this, so that is in that; as, for example ...

Textausschnitt: 2 The Two Proportions between Act and Potency1

535d There are two proportions according to which act and potency can especially be known. (Fs)

'One kind of proportion is that whereby we say that just as this is in this, so that is in that; as, for example, just as seeing is in the eye, so hearing is in the ear' (In IX Metaphys., lect. 5, § 1828). (Fs)

535e 'Another kind of proportion is that whereby we say that just as this is for this, so that is for that; as, for example, just as eyesight is for seeing, so the faculty of hearing is for hearing' (In IX Metaphys., lect. 5, §1829). (Fs)

537a Accordingly, there are two kinds of act and two kinds of potency. First act is form, for example, eyesight [the faculty of seeing] that is received in the eye, or the faculty of hearing that is received in the ear. Second act is operation, action, energeia, such as the act of seeing which perfects one's eyesight, and the act of hearing which perfects the faculty of hearing. First potency is like the eye, which needs to be perfected initially by form (eyesight) and then by second act (seeing). Second potency is the same as form or first act. See De potentia, q. I, a. I c. (Fs)

These two basic proportions are valid for both accidents and substances. (Fs)

'...just as the eye is made up of the pupil as its matter and sight as its form, so an animal is composed of a soul as form and a body as matter' (In II De anima, lect. 2, §241). (Fs)

'For just as existence follows upon form, so understanding follows upon an intelligible species' (Summa theologiae, 1, q. 14, a. 4 c). (Fs)

'... understanding, which is related to intellect in act in the same way that existence is related to being in act' (Summa theologiae, 1, q. 34, a. 1, ad 2m). (Fs)


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