
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Gerechtigkeit, Richtlinien, heuristische Struktur

Kurzinhalt: Gerechtigkeit: Harmonie der Seele; heuristische Struktur der Frage nach Gerechtigkeit; 5 Richtlinien für Gerechtigkeit

Textausschnitt: () I'd like to note a caution about justice. () The result of this kind of justice may well be felt in wages and opportunities, but the notion of order and harmony that justice connotes lies essentially in the order and harmony of the soul, both in those who give and those who receive.
Lonergan has suggested a heuristic structure for the answer to this question in his 'structure of the human good.' Things work best when particular goods and services that are truly good flow regularly. And things work best when people adapt to better ways to ensure the flow of these goods.
153 Maybe I can formulate some guiding questions for a Justice Committee in this perspective. (Fs)
(1) Are the goods or services we intend to facilitate really good?
(2) Can we ensure that the recipients will be more inclined to use them in truly good ways?
(3) If there's opposition to our proposals, can we move them to a change of heart and not just outmaneuver them?
(4) Is it we who need the change of heart, either about what is truly good or about the cost of change?
(5) Do we imagine ourselves as haves, giving to the have-nots, or rather as anawim sharing with the anawim?


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