
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Methode, Metaphysik, Empirismus; Einstein

Kurzinhalt: Tendenz zum Empirismus; Relativitätstheorie; Newton -> Einstein; Ironie des Übergangs

Textausschnitt: () Metaphysicians also know that in any correct act of judgment there are three limited objectives: ...
... tendency, first, to reduce the tripartite functioning of human knowing to sensible knowing; second, to reduce the tripartite objectivity of objective knowing to empirical objectivity; and, third, to reduce the tripartite reality of experienced, understood, and judged reality to experienced reality.
... the metaphysician can distinguish between the ordinary, sensory-motor frameworks within which animals and humans operate and the strictly intellectual frameworks which mediate and transform in an explanatory manner the descriptive, sensory-motor frameworks in and through which we immediately and spontaneously sense the world around us.
The irony of this shift from Newtonian to Einsteinian world-orders is that our physical universe was reduced from an infinite universe to a finite, limited universe, while the possibility of a potentially infinite and intelligible universe opened up.


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