
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Methode; Grundmethode, Metaphysik

Kurzinhalt: Grundmethode -> Sein, spezielle Methode: Gegenstand; das bekannte Unbekannte; 4 spezialisierte Methoden; Beispiel: Galileo, Locke, Newton, Kant

Textausschnitt: () I began this study by identifying the objective of wondering as an unknown that becomes known through successive, cognitional operations. These operations, as functionally correlated, could provide dynamic, normative procedures for revealing the unknown objective. I contrasted the restricted, cognitive operations and their proximate objectives with the unrestricted ...
I identified four different specialized methods - classical, statistical, genetic, and dialectical
Because Galileo did not know the difference between practical, common-sense knowing and its objectives and theoretical knowing and its objectives, he made a historically disorienting distinction between primary and secondary qualities of things.


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