
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Heiliger Geist: Sendung (drei Weisen)

Kurzinhalt: QUESTION 25 - Is it by appropriation that the Father and the Son are said to send the Holy Spirit? ... first, that a finite spiritual effect is produced in a creature; second, that the third divine person himself comes into a creature ...

Textausschnitt: 453d That the Holy Spirit is sent can be understood in three ways: first, that a finite spiritual effect is produced in a creature; second, that the third divine person himself comes into a creature; third, that the third divine person himself is really and truly sent by the other two. (Fs) (notabene)

455a The first sense of the Holy Spirit being sent is possible only by appropriation; for all works of God ad extra are common to the three persons. (Fs)

455b In the second sense, there is clearly no more than appropriation, for 'to come' in itself does not imply a relation of origin, and where there is no distinction by relational opposition, everything is common. (Fs)

455c In the third sense, there can be no appropriation. For if the Holy Spirit is really and truly sent by the others, there is in the Holy Spirit himself a true and real relation according to which he is ordered to the ones who send as to those from whom. This real relation of the Holy Spirit can only be passive spiration, which is wholly proper to the Holy Spirit. (Fs)

Thus, this third sense seems to be more in keeping with the teaching of the New Testament, as presented above. (Fs)


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