
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Vollkommenheit; Ordnung (perfectio) der Einheit in den Relationen

Kurzinhalt: ASSERTION 14/3-4 - Perfection has two formalities ... Fourth, the formality of perfection derived from the unity of order is verified in the divine relations taken together

Textausschnitt: 427c
Third, from the standpoint of the formality of perfection that is grounded upon act, the divine substance is infinite in perfection. (Fs)

The divine substance is pure act without any admixture of potency. But each being is limited through potency and perfected through act. Therefore, the divine substance, because of act, is perfect, and because of the denial of potency is infinite in perfection. (Fs)


Fourth, the formality of perfection derived from the unity of order is verified in the divine relations taken together. (Fs)

The formality of perfection that is derived from the unity of order consists in the fact that many things are so ordered among themselves as to constitute an ordered unity. (Fs)

But in the divine relations there is verified that mutual ordering that produces an ordered unity. (Fs)

427e Therefore in the divine relations taken together there is verified the formality of perfection that is found in the unity of order. (Fs)

The major premise of this syllogism is the definition of unity of order. (Fs)

The minor premise is clear from what has been said. For divine paternity is an ordering to the Word that is to be spoken and is spoken; filiation is an ordering of the Word to the Speaker; active spiration is an ordering to Love that is to be spirated and is spirated; passive spiration is an ordering of Love to the Spirator; and since active spiration is the same in reality as paternity and filiation, from these four real relations there is constituted an ordered unity. (Fs)


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