
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Entwicklung, religiöse; Authentizität; Ordnung, Unordnung

Kurzinhalt: Religiöser Weg: Reinigung -> Erleuchtung -> Einigung; religiöse Grunderfahrung: von Unordnung zu Ordnung; von Unauthentizität zur Authetizität

Textausschnitt: () A key characteristic of all the world's religion is the discipline of asceticism and purgation. If religious conversion calls us to a transcendence of self, that call is also a denial of our former, inauthentic self, the self that needs to be purged and disciplined. Religious development is through purgation to illumination, and through illumination to a growing communion and union with a transcendent other.
In discussing primitive religious experience, I identified the core experience as a passage from disorder to order. In discussing here the dialectic of an inauthentic and authentic religious living, I have characterized religious development as an analogous passage or conversion from the disorder of religious inauthenticity to a growing authenticity that embraces our total self- cognitional, moral, and religious.


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