
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik, Zusammenfassung

Kurzinhalt: Neuordnung zw. Ethik und Metaphysik; Zusammenhang zw. Wahl und kulturellem Kontext; Kultur, Wert-, Tatsachenurteil; Glaube

Textausschnitt: () Just as metaphysics grows out of knowing your own knowing, so ethics can unfold by knowing your own choosing and the ways choosing operates to subsume and carry knowing to a higher plane of perfection.
this methodical approach brings to philosophical attention the fact that moral choices are made within a cultural context or horizon which has been and is assimilated by all cultural choosers from their earliest conscious living. This cultural context is mediated primarily through the language of symbolic forms.
the scale of values that is operating in the actual performances of any historical community is either open or closed to the remote goal of human history.


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