
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Kultur, Natur; Periode, Geschichte

Kurzinhalt: Ordnung der Produktion; Natur als Konstante, Kultur als Variable; Periodisierung der Geschichte nach der Weise der Kontrolle über die Funktionen des Wissens und Wählens; 3 Perioden

Textausschnitt: 102/7 The distinction between economic producers and the means by which they generate an economic order is an application of the basic distinction that has been at work throughout this study - the distinction between the operations by which we know and choose and the contents that are known and chosen through those operations.
Nature is the constant, and culture is the genetic and dialectical variable. All people are by nature knowers, choosers, and lovers ...
We can mark off major periods in the history of culture by the way different historical communities control these functions of knowing and choosing, or by the different methods that cultures have developed to govern their personal and collective making of history.


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