
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; transkulturelle Norm; Umkehr

Kurzinhalt: Ausrichtung an einem transzendenten"Objekt" als Maßstab für die transkulturelle Norm; moralische Umkehr

Textausschnitt: () ...the ground of your evaluation of yourself as a self-chooser depends on your own openness and your ability to respond to a transcendental objective that orients you to the potentially infinite self that you are not, but could be.
To be an authentic moral chooser is to choose in the context of a true scale of values. And to set up such a scale of values ... it is necessary to have an absolute on which to lay the foundation. This absolute foundation is your own self as chooser oriented to a totally transcendent objective.
How do you know if you are a self-transcending chooser? By appropriating the conscious tension between yourself as a cultural chooser and yourself as transculturally oriented to an objective that transcends your cultural community.


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