
Autor: Mehrere Autoren: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, 11,1

Buch: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, Volume 11, Number 1

Titel: Lonergan, Bernard - Analytic Concept of History

Stichwort: Geschichte: Bedeutung; Fortschritt, Sünde, Gnade

Kurzinhalt: The meaning of history is the relation of its three elements, progress, sin, and grace, to the First Cause and Last End.

Textausschnitt: 8.6 Meaning of history

28c The meaning of history is the relation of its three elements, progress, sin, and grace, to the First Cause and Last End. (Fs)

Progress expresses the goodness of God - to whom all glory from all the multitudinous golden hearts in the world. (Fs)

29a Sin is the wickedness of man, and decline "that no flesh should glory in his sight" [1 Corinthians 1:29].1 (Fs)

Grace is the higher synthesis of both in God's transcendence: on earth it is the cross, for Christ lived only till he was big enough to be crucified, and the rest of history is but a dilution of that expression of the value of man; but in heaven it is an exceeding weight of glory [2 Corinthians 4:17],2 when amazed and awed by the Infinite we exclaim in the one instant of eternity the one word, Holy, Holy, Holy! (E08; 20.06.2008)


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