
Autor: Mehrere Autoren: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, 11,1

Buch: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, Volume 11, Number 1

Titel: Lonergan, Bernard - Analytic Concept of History

Stichwort: Geschichte: Zusammengesetzter Niedergang (compound decline)

Kurzinhalt: The major accelerates the minor ... On the other hand the minor accelerates the major ...

Textausschnitt: 6.6 Compound decline

23d Both the major accelerates the minor and vice versa. (Fs)

The major accelerates the minor. It deprives science - notably, economics1 - and practical thought of the guidance of the first principles of religion and morality. Of itself the minor tends to disorder; coupled with the major its goal is an unintelligible chaos. For sin is unintelligible: action guided by sin results in the unintelligible - no mere antithesis to be easily swallowed by some higher synthesis, but an indigestible morsel refractory to all intellect, that can be solved only by liquidation. (Fs)

23e On the other hand the minor accelerates the major, inasmuch as it supplies the real mechanism for the imposition of the successive lower syntheses. The tension between liberal and conservative, the opposition between privileged and depressed take on a philosophic significance when the disputes engendered by the major decline are made the sponsors of slogans for rival cupidities and hatreds. The goddess, Reason, is enthroned amidst blasphemy and bloodshed. Liberalism gains the fascination of a snake by its polite contempt for religion. The proletariat attains consciousness by militant atheism. (Fs)

24a Nor are we to overlook, in the combination of major and minor decline, a third element that is prior to both: progress. The French Revolution rid the world of feudal survivals. The liberal revolution was founded upon an amazing industrial advance. Communism not only excites rabid nationalism but does so because it would transcend the tribes.2 (Fs)


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