
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik, Grundirrtum; Antizipation

Kurzinhalt: Grundfehler der Wertewahl; Korrektur: Unterscheidung zw. sinnenhaften und intentionalen Gefühlen; Medizin; antizipiertes Gefühl

Textausschnitt: () We identified the fundamental error in knowing as mistakenly assuming that sensible experiencing is the normative and critical component in the tripartite structure of knowing; in choosing, the foundational error is to mistakenly assume that sensibly affective experiences provide the normative grounding for making judgments of value.
The fundamental mistake in choosing is to assume that sensible feelings and satisfactions are what make your choices valuable. To correct this mistake, it is necessary to appropriate and appreciate the difference between sensible and intentional feelings, which we discussed in the previous section.
For example, you take nasty-tasting medicine because ()You realize that the unpleasant feelings you first feel in exercising can be gradually transformed into feelings of satisfaction or even enjoyment. When that happens, exercising is not only valuable, but also pleasurable, and you made it pleasant by pursuing the intrinsically valuable goal of being healthy.


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