
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Werturteil, Gefühl, intentional

Kurzinhalt: Unterscheidung: intentionale und nicht-intentionale Gefühle; Notwendigkeit des Verstehens der intentionalen Gefühle; Algebra, - Gesundheit

Textausschnitt: () A major distinction has been made between intentional and non-intentional feelings.
The key point is that, before you can judge the value of such feelings, you must understand them since such understood feelings mediate the values or disvalues of what you will decide.
... before you judge the value of your feelings you must first understand what these feelings are. As felt, the feelings are experienced but they are not yet understood, although they are open to understanding and to judging. Only as understood and judged can feelings be asserted to be truly or probably worthwhile ...


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