
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Entscheidung; Bedingtes, Unbedingtes; Gutheit, Gefühle

Kurzinhalt: Entscheidung: kein bedingtes Unbedingtes; Frage nach dem Wert; Was soll ich tun?; Gefühle als Kriterium

Textausschnitt: () In judging, we are dealing with what in fact is so, or probably is so. In deciding to buy a home or to get married, however, the deliberating can go on indefinitely
How do I judge the true value of things? In the traditional vocabulary the question would read, How do I know the goodness of things?, or more important, the goodness of a proposed course of action. Implied in this question is the further question of moral norms.
Again, the basic clue can be found in the question, Ought I to do this?, or Ought I to continue to do this?
() ... to evaluate this proposal, you must understand the feelings that are evoked in considering the project, since it is through understanding the feelings that you will judge the value of the project.


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