
Autor: Crowe, Frederick E.

Buch: Appropriating the Lonergan Idea

Titel: The Responsibility of the Theologian, and the Learning Church

Stichwort: Unterschied: Verantwortung - Gewissen; Prinzip der Konkretheit;

Kurzinhalt: "conscience" seems to refer more directly to the object, while "responsibility" seems to refer more directly to me ... Jesus died for all men, but he could not preach to and teach all men

Textausschnitt: 173a In other words, "conscience" seems to refer more directly to the object, while "responsibility" seems to refer more directly to me and to what I should do. The difference between the two is slight; it is a matter of where the emphasis more directly falls; but I think it makes the change worthwhile. There is a principle of maximum concreteness involved, of what I can and ought to do within the limits of my situation. Jesus died for all men, but he could not preach to and teach all men; his responsibility for preaching and teaching was limited to the house of Israel. (Fs) (notabene)


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