
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J. F.

Buch: The Way to Nicea

Titel: The Way to Nicea

Stichwort: Regel: achte auf das Wort

Kurzinhalt: one simple rule for dealing with the arguments adduced by those who say that there is a radical discontinuity between the gospels and the dogmas: pay attention to the word as true

Textausschnitt: 10a There is, then, one simple rule for dealing with the arguments adduced by those who say that there is a radical discontinuity between the gospels and the dogmas: pay attention to the word as true. This is what the perceptionists overlook, who think that they know before they have made a judgment. It also escapes the idealists, who insist that what the perceptionists perceive is only the appearance of things, not things in themselves. The essentialists also miss the point, for they can no more distinguish between essence and being, in an adequate manner, than they can between thinking and knowing. There is the same basic flaw in those elaborate descriptions of forms or structures of thought that betray a lack of clear distinction between thinking and knowing. Finally, it is this same failure to attend to the word as true that mars the thinking of those who reduce the dogmas to hellenism; for hellenistic speculation was concerned with essences, whereas dogmas are affirmations of what is.1 (Fs)


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