
Autor: Murray, John

Buch: The Problem of God: Yesterday and Today

Titel: The Problem of God: Yesterday and Today

Stichwort: Das Problem Gotte: Moses - Matthäus;

Kurzinhalt: Moes: "Is God with us, here and now". Matthew: "I am with you all the days, ...";

Textausschnitt: 29b In the Bible, the problem of God is raised and answered on the level of the religious existence. Moses' question stands forever as the religious question: "Is God with us, here and now?" This is what every man born into this world and inescapably destined to a religious existence needs to know and must find out. The structure of the problem was shaped in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, within the same structure, the substance of the problem was given its definitive formulation in trinitarian terms. The formulation was as final as the promise that sustains it was faithful: "I am with you all the days, until the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). This promise of the Son, who is the Word of God, was the echo, clearer and more resonant than the original utterance, of the word of God in Exodus, in which God spoke his Name, and thus made his promise, to Moses. Moreover, as the New Testament formulation of the problem-with its matrix in the event of Christ and with its four resultant questions-was definitive, so the resolution of the problems in terms of the Pauline epignosis is likewise definitive. (Fs) (notabene)


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