
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Lonergan: Tatsachenurteil (3. Ebene) Werturteil (4. Ebene); Wissenschaften

Kurzinhalt: It is this four-leveled structure that governs how Lonergan proposed the sciences should distinguish its tasks. There are two phases: retrieving the present situation and moving into the future.

Textausschnitt: 99 Lonergan locates factual judgments on the third level of consciousness, the level where we know reality. But that level incorporates the previous two levels. Being attentive brings data to us. Being intelligent involves insight into how the data may hang together. Being reasonable means passing a judgment on the correctness of our insight - insights, as Lonergan was fond of saying, being a dime a dozen. Being reasonable means being concerned about not just sensation (first level), and not just ideas (second level) but about reality (third level). (Fs)

100 He locates value judgments on the fourth level of consciousness, at its entrance, as it were, since at this level, the operator, Be responsible, has action as its term, not just opinion. If by being reasonable we know our situation, by being responsible we go on to evaluate it and take action to make it better. Being reasonable is cognitive self-transcendence, being responsible is moral self-transcendence. (Fs)

101 It is this four-leveled structure that governs how Lonergan proposed the sciences should distinguish its tasks. There are two phases: retrieving the present situation and moving into the future. Retrieving the situation starts from Research (attention to the relevant data), to Interpretation (get insight into the data), to History (make factual judgments on what is going forward), and to Dialectic (make value judgments on what's been going on, as well as on the value of believing your sources). The second phase moves back down, starting from Foundations (my personal value commitments, my affective, moral and intellectual conversions), to Doctrines (what I hold to be true; principles), to Systematics (how all the truths and values might hang together; policies), and to Communications (adapting the message to the media that comes as data to others; practice.)i[6] (Fs)


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