
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Philosophical and Theological Papers 1958-1964

Titel: Philosophical and Theological Papers 1958-1964

Stichwort: Trinität - Bewusstsein; der Vater ist analog zur Erfassung ...

Kurzinhalt: the Father is God in a manner analogous to the grasp of sufficient evidence that necessitates one to judge; the Son is God in the same consciousness but

Textausschnitt: 135a Question: The next question concerned the fact that the judgment of identity in the person is made because of, and in, a multiplicity of acts. (Fs)

Response: We think of our identity in relation with a multiplicity of acts because it is the multiplicity of acts that causes the problem. So the problem of identity in the Trinity will not be the same. There is only one act, but there is a distinction because the three persons have the same consciousness differently: the Father is God in a manner analogous to the grasp of sufficient evidence that necessitates one to judge; the Son is God in the same consciousness but now a consciousness analogous to that of the dependence of the judgment on the grasp of sufficient evidence; the Holy Spirit is the same consciousness in a third manner, namely, as the dependence of the act of love on the grasp of sufficient evidence and the rational affirmation. The same consciousness is had differently by three persons. (Fs) (notabene)


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