
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: The World of the Polis

Titel: The World of the Polis

Stichwort: Parmenides; Philosophie als Inkarnation der Wahrheit des Seins; das eleatische Paradox

Kurzinhalt: Philosophical speculation is an incarnation of the Truth of Being;

Textausschnitt: 285a In the speculation of Parmenides the two components, the experiential and the operational, are inseparable. What results from this combination is for Parmenides the Truth about Being as distinguished from uncritical Doxa. In the Prologue the goddess assures the philosopher that she will divulge to him the "immovable" heart of "well-rounded" Truth (B 1.29). The attributes of Truth that appear in this assurance are the same (atremes, eukyklos) that appear later as the predicates of Being (B 8.4 and 43). The result of the speculation, thus, is not only a truth about Being; it is the Truth of Being voiced through the "knowing man." In the medium of speculation the philosopher reproduces Being itself; the well-rounded sphere of Being becomes the well-rounded sphere of speculative order. Philosophical speculation is an incarnation of the Truth of Being. This hieratic compactness of philosophizing is the greatness of Parmenides. (Fs)


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