
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Metaphysik, Physik, Analogie; Einstein

Kurzinhalt: Analogie zw. Einsteins Transformationsgleichung und dem Vorgehen der Metaphysiksuch advances to subsequent generations.

Textausschnitt: () This means that the measuring frameworks of scientists can be correlated to one another through a set of transformation equations that can 'equalize' all the different frameworks. This procedure is analogous to the way the notion of being orders objectively the cognitive frameworks of any and all knowers, thereby completely universalizing the potency, form, and act of any knower. A key step in this overall argument is to decenter any and all descriptive knowers and their particular frameworks and to recenter them and their frameworks in the human quest for being. All human knowers are united insofar as they advance in their knowing of being and insofar as they communicate such advances to subsequent generations.


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