
Autor: Walsh, David

Buch: The Third Millenium

Titel: The Third Millenium

Stichwort: Wissenschaft; Physik, Astronomie; Big Bang

Kurzinhalt: Ultimately, the rationality of science is dependent on the differentiation of the order of being. If the distinction between Being and beings is forgotten, ...

Textausschnitt: 88a The physical sciences, notably astrophysics, have much less difficulty in recognizing the limits of their competence. There is far less hesitation in reaching conclusions that seem to point toward the openness toward transcendent Being. Probably the most obvious example is the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe, a theory that is by no means settled, but that has endured the vicissitudes of examination to represent something like a consensus so far. What is significant is not whether cosmology can demonstrate the origin of the universe at a moment of creation, but that such an implication causes it no inherent disturbance either way. Without taking a stand for or against transcendent Being, science is free to work its autonomous dynamic. Problems arise only when science conceives itself as supplanting the knowledge of ultimate reality. Then it finds itself in the unenviable position of attempting to comprehend the whole from its position as a part. The temptation is inseparable from the human condition, but the success of science depends on maintaining the balance of a perspective that resists its illegitimate expansion. Ultimately, the rationality of science is dependent on the differentiation of the order of being. If the distinction between Being and beings is forgotten, then it is almost inevitable that the investigation of beings will assume to itself the task of drawing us toward Being. Even the attitude of spiritual openness that characterizes much contemporary physics, with its talk of an anthropic principle, the role of beauty, and so on, runs the risk of promoting both bad science and bad spirituality. (Fs) (notabene)


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