
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Titel: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Stichwort: Sünde der Moderne: Selbstbestimmung als Fundament; Jaspers

Kurzinhalt: The sin of modernity ... It is the fully deliberate and permanently intended determination to be oneself

Textausschnitt: 228a ... From that enormous development the church has held off: it could praise the ends; it could not accept the means; and so it could not authentically participate in the process that eliminated the standardized man of classicist thought and ushered in the historical consciousness t of today. (Fs)

228b Modern man has created his states and his sciences, his philosophies and his histories, his cultures and his literatures, on the basis of absolute autonomy. There is human intelligence, human reasonableness, human responsibility, and that is all there is. To speak of God is at best irrelevant; to turn to God - except by way of political gesture or emotional outlet - is to sacrifice the good we know and by our own resources can attain. (Fs) (notabene)

228c Karl Jaspers repeats from Kierkegaard, or perhaps from Nietzsche, that unless I sinned, I could not be myself. The sin of modernity u is not any sin of frailty, any transient lapse, any lack of advertence or consent. It is the fully deliberate and permanently intended determination to be oneself, to attain the perfection proper to man, and to liberate humanity from the heavy hand of ecclesiastical tradition, ecclesiastical interference, ecclesiastical refusal to allow human beings to grow and be themselves. (Fs) (notabene)


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