
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Titel: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Stichwort: Liebe: 4 Aspekte, je 2 als Akt eines Vermögens (principium quo) und Akt eines Subjekts (principium quod)

Kurzinhalt: As act of a faculty (principium quo) love is, in the first instance, the basic form of appetition: ...; Further, love is the act of a subject (principium quod), and as such it is ...

Textausschnitt: The Concept of Love

2.1 Four Aspects

23b The difficulty of conceiving love h adequately arises from its essential concreteness and from the complexity of the concrete.i Even on a preliminary analysis there are at least four simultaneous aspects. For any activity is at once the act of a faculty j and the act of a subject. As act of a faculty (principium quo) love is, in the first instance, the basic form of appetition: it is the pure response of appetite to the good, nihil aliud [...] quam complacentia boni, while desire, hope, joy, hatred, aversion, fear, sadness are consequents of the basic response and reflect objective modifications in the circumstances of the motive good. But again, as act of a faculty, love, besides being the basic form of appetition, is also the first principle of process to the end loved, and the whole of the process is thus but the self-expression of the love that is its first principle. Further, love is the act of a subject (principium quod), and as such it is the principle of union between different subjects. Such union is of two kinds, according as it emerges in love as process to an end or in love in the consummation of the end attained. The former may be illustrated by the love of friends pursuing in common a common goal. The latter has its simplest illustration in the ultimate end of the beatific vision, which at once is the term of process, of amor concupiscentiae, and the fulfilment of union with God, of amor amicitiae. (Fs) (notabene)


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