
Autor: Crowe, Frederich E., S.J.

Buch: Theology of the Christian Word

Titel: Theology of the Christian Word

Stichwort: Thematisierungen (Botschaft, kerygma) vor der Bezeichnung "Wort Gottes"

Kurzinhalt: How were the materials that pertain to the Christian word commonly designated in the period prior to their becoming known as the word of God?; gospel, kerygma, message

Textausschnitt: 16b Of course, when I speak of naming the materials "the word of God" and thus introducing a theme for thought, I am not denying that there were names prior to that event, which themselves constituted a thematization; it is, in fact, my purpose at the moment to discover what those early designations were. We anticipate our second chapter, then, to say that the message had been thematized as the word of God by the time of the Acts of the Apostles; we use this thematizing to structure our first two stages; and we ask: How were the materials that pertain to the Christian word commonly designated in the period prior to their becoming known as the word of God? Our answer will be that the earlier designations were "gospel," or "kerygma," or "message." It may even be that, at one stage, there was no thematic designation: One simply referred to "what has been handed on," or to "what happened in the life and times of Jesus." (Fs)


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