
Autor: Stebbins, J. Michael

Buch: The Divine Initiative

Titel: The Divine Initiative

Stichwort: Definition: heiligmachende Gnade - sanctifying grace

Kurzinhalt: Lonergan defines sanctifying grace as a created communication of the divine nature

Textausschnitt: 51/2 Since understanding is a matter of knowing causes, an adequate explanation of the gratuity of grace must begin with the cause that stands first in the ordo compositionis. That gratuity is explained by the supernaturality of grace; but to know why grace is supernatural, one first has to know what grace is. In the first thesis of De ente supernaturali, which has been the central concern of the present chapter up to this point, Lonergan defines sanctifying grace as a created communication of the divine nature. From this definition he derives, in the second thesis, the characteristic of super-naturality. (53f; Fs) (notabene)


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