
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Gottesfrage: Feuerbach, Projektion; 2 Gegenargumente

Kurzinhalt: materialism, immanentism, critical realism; seeking: not mere quality but potentiality and finality; a projection does not differ from G. Santayana's animal faith

Textausschnitt: 59/13 In other words, there is an inner light that runs before the formulation of doctrines and that survives even despite opposing doctrines. To follow that inner light is life, even though to worldly eyes it is to die. To reject that inner light is to die, even though the world envies one's attainments and achievements. (219; Fs)

55/13 My starting point was our questions and answers, and it probably has not escaped you that such a basis fits in very neatly with Feuerbach's contention that man's notion of God is a projection on the sky of idealized human qualities. We seek understanding, and God is all-intelligent; we seek sufficient evidence for our judgments and God is all-knowing; we seek moral excellence and God is goodness and love. (218; Fs) (notabene)

56/13 I must be content with two observations. First, such seeking is not mere quality but potentiality and finality; and it is potentiality and finality not confined to some category but, on the contrary, scorning any arbitrary burking of questions. (218; Fs)

56/13 I must be content with two observations. First, such seeking is not mere quality but potentiality and finality; and it is potentiality and finality not confined to some category but, on the contrary, scorning any arbitrary burking of questions. (218; Fs)
57/13 Secondly, I note that the word, projection, recalls the cinematic projector and before it the magic lantern. But the slide or film does not experience, does not inquire intelligently, does not judge on the basis of sufficient reason, does not decide freely and responsibly. In brief, a projection does not differ from George Santayana's animal faith. (218; Fs)
58/13 So much for a materialist option. Next, I propose to consider both the immanentist and the critical realist options simultaneously, not because the two do not differ, but because one can say much about religious experience without opting for either side of a philosophic difference. (218; Fs)


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