
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Bedeutung: Streben nach Selbsttranszendenz; Friedrich Heiler -> Lonergan: Zusammenfassung des Gemeinsame in d. Religionen in 7 Punkten

Kurzinhalt: What is that meaningfulness?, the meaningfulness of striving to become self-transcendent and of making progress on the way -> into intelligent, reasonable consciousness; this reality, transcendent and immanent

Textausschnitt: 48/13 In brief, the methods of natural science have contributed much to religious studies, but their contribution is incomplete. What is wanting is an account of the meaningfulness of religious tradition, belief, imperatives, rituals: not indeed of the meaningfulness that would meet the requirements of a logical positivist or linguistic analyst, but of the meaningfulness that can demand the totality of a person's response. Again, it is the meaningfulness that is expressed by a historian of religion, read by those for whom the religion has come to life, and by them recognized as an account of their own commitment. (216; Fs)

49/13 But what is that meaningfulness? How is it reached? How is it
investigated? (217; Fs)
It is, I should say, the meaningfulness of striving to become self-transcendent and of making progress on the way. It is the emergence of the self not only from the consciousness of the dream into waking consciousness but into intelligent consciousness that gradually promotes us from being animals in a habitat to becoming human beings in a universe, into the reasonable consciousness that judges in accord with the evidence, into the responsible consciousness that makes its way from individual and group egoism beyond the bias of omnicompetent common sense to the consciousness of one in love-in love with the family, in love with fellow citizens in this world, in love with God above all. (217; Fs) (notabene)


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