
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Gute Zusammenfassung über die Erfahrung der frühen Propheten (Amos, Hosea, Jesaia, Micha)

Kurzinhalt: discrepancy: actual order of the Kingdoms and the order intended by the Message from Sinai

Textausschnitt: 112/13 The problem of Israelite order was seen by the prophets, from the middle of the eighth century B.C. to the fall of Jerusalem in 586, in the discrepancy between the actual order of the Kingdoms and the order intended by the Message from Sinai. The discrepancy was intensely experienced as a defection from true order; only an immediate return could prevent the imminent divine punishment. And the expectation of disaster near at hand translated itself into the urgency of the call to return. The early prophets - Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah - who had this intense experience, however, found no symptoms of a serious return in their environment; and at the same time they had to watch the disaster advancing in the form of the Assyrian invasion and the fall of the Kingdom of Israel. Hence, within the two generations of the early prophets, their call to return changed its complexion in as much as the expectation to see the institutions and mores of the concrete society reformed gave way to the faith in a metastasis of order after the present concrete society had been swallowed up by the darkness of a catastrophe. When the problem of order had gained this metastatic complexion, the prophets responded to it by developing the two distinct positions represented by Isaiah and Jeremiah: (487f; Fs) (notabene)


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