
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Jesaia: Fürst der Friedens (Prince of Piece); Interpretation Jes 9 u 11, kabhod, Immanuel

Kurzinhalt: The kabhod has penetrated the structure of the world indeed, and the metastasis is complete; Ahaz -> Immanuel -> Prince of Peace -> remnant on whom the ruach has descended

Textausschnitt: 96/13 The message itself, "the testimony bound up, and the instruction sealed," is contained in the prophecy of the Prince of Peace (9 :1-6), beginning with the lines: (478; Fs)
97/13 This prophecy must be treated with caution, for its text is so terse that under pressure it will easily render any meaning desired. What can be asserted safely is the continuity with the Immanuel oracle: The child is still a ruler on the throne of David and over his Kingdom,
A stem, or stump, of the dynasty, thus, will survive the disaster; and from this Davidic remnant, as from the people's remnant the new Israel, its new ruler will spring forth. And he is the ruler not because he has refused evil and chosen good like Immanuel but because the spirit, the ruach, of God has descended upon him (11:2): (479f; Fs)
99/13 With this endowment he will be the King after the model of David, in fear of Yahweh and in righteousness, but yet something more than a David, for he will judge not by what he sees and hears, but by true justice and fairness (11:3-5 ). The kabhod has penetrated the structure of the world indeed, and the metastasis is complete: (480; Fs) (notabene)


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